So i just woke up this evening (new years eve) and i found out i haven't blogged for about 3 years now, its like i went on a blog detox. But here i am again, and this time i won't make any promises but i would simply just say i would try my very very best to be serious this time.
     Okay so back to the topic, 2015 has indeed been a remarkable year for all of us. The events that took place, the decision we made or did not make, the risk we took or did not take, all these things have all in one way or the other shaped us into something different. For me, 2015 was one of the best and at the same time one of the worst. 2015 literally chewed me and spat me out ( obviously i don't mean literally, but you get the picture).
    As i lay on my bed reminiscing, i can't help but to say one thing and that is "thank you God". Well I've got a question for you all, what has two thumbs and is now an Engineer ?. That's right you got it, this guy, me , i'm the something that has two thumbs and is now an Engineer.

 Well that was one of the wonderful things that happened to me. I'm now a graduate, no more reading or going to class or practicals. I feel so free. 

    In 2015, i also found love, that's right an engineering student cum engineer can also get a girlfriend. Well the messy part was i also lost love in the same way i found it (that part really sucked). But I've learnt to move on with my life.
    I also found one of the most comical comedian or musician ever. I don't even know if he is a comedian or a musician. Well i'm talking about "Vic O". Vic O claims to be the best rapper ever, you all need to check out his drake vs meek mills diss track. I don't know if Vic O purposely decided to sing the way he does for publicity or he his actually being serious. Anyways, vic o made my 2015 fun despite some shitty things( excuse my french) that happened to me, which i wont dwell much into.
     I learnt some important things this 2015, i learnt the hard way though, but those experiences really shaped me to become a different person. I don't know if i'm a "good" different person now or a "not so good" different person now ( i don't use the word bad,  its such an ugly word right?) all i know is that i'm a different person. I've learnt that nothing is permanent, both good and bad. I love using the phrase "this too shall pass". And i mean the bad days won't last forever likewise the good days also (so we don't get carried away).
    I've learnt that in this life sometimes, in other for you to go far, you have to kiss some frogs and kiss some ass. What i mean is that you have to be willing to do some things outside your comfort zone and you have to be loyal to to the right people 

 i also learnt that you should never envy anybody because you don't know the full story. When people tell me that they want to be like me or they want to be like mr A or mr B, i always say this to them, You Don't Know the full Story about me or the person you are envious of.
   Anyways i'm looking forward to  2016 and all it has to offer, so guys this is me wishing you all a happy new year.


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