No matter how brave you are or how courageous you may act, there is always that one thing that you are scared of. Now fear doesn’t necessarily have to be physical, at times we fear things we can’t see (non-physical). I know most people, especially the motivational speakers would say we shouldn’t have fears, they say things like you should fear nothing but fear itself, some argue that fear isn’t real, that it is a choice, and we can choose not to be afraid. Now I agree with this school of thought to an extent, not completely though. Also one thing I’ve noticed is that we always paint our fears as bad, and this isn’t always the case. At times our fears are good, yes I said it, good, well you should keep in mind that this “good” is relative. Sometimes our fears keep us in check, a person who is afraid of having STI would most likely refrain from “unsafe” sexual acts. A person scared of spiders would always make sure he/she has a neat room to avoid cobwebs and spiders.

Now to my fears, my biggest fear then was failure; I just couldn’t stand it then. Looking back I don’t know if I suffered performance anxiety but I’d prefer not to write an exam than to write an exam and fail. It was really bad then, the fear of failure limited me and reduce my overall productivity, I didn’t push myself to my limits then, thank God this is all in the PAST. Well I’m quite happy that I overcame this fear. But was the fear of failure totally a bad thing? I think not. Because of my then fear of failure I was always prepared, I didn’t venture in anything I thought I wasn’t prepared for, and because of this high level of preparation and God’s grace of course, I was able to excel in a lot of my adventures. Though I still retained this high level of preparation even after I discarded the fear of failure. From the look of things my fear was both a good thing and a bad thing.

Till today, I still fear some things as I’m only human and I can’t be totally fearless as my motivational speakers would want. I’m definitely going to write something about our nowadays motivational speakers, those guys intrigue me and not in the positive way. Okay, back to what I was saying, I still fear some things but the most prominent now is uncertainty and helplessness, i.e not knowing what the outcome of a situation would be and the inability to affect the outcome of a situation, to be completely helpless and hope for a favorable outcome. I’ll talk about this some other time and how I’m gradually but surely overcoming this fear.

In the end, we all have fears, let nobody deceive you. Some of you fear snakes, others spiders, some fear failure, others death. Telling people about your fears might make you vulnerable at times but at other times it might help bring about a solution, so be careful. But don’t forget what I said, fears are not always bad. I’m not here to tell you what to do or what not to do, but the only advice I’d give is that you should not feed your fears irrespective of if you see it as a good thing or not.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in Advance. 
P.S I'm loving this new One Republic Album


  1. Will just leave a comment here. Do not feed your fear

  2. Nice post..I enjoyed it.
    Having fears is natural but never let this fears paralyse you and prevent you from taking action. Courage is acting inspite of your fear.


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