Okay, one peculiar thing, i've noticed about Nigerians is the ease at which some of us switch in between accent. One moment we are speaking in our normal accent and the next moment we miraculously start speaking in a british accent, when you have never left the shores of Nigeria. Nigeirans who have stayed abroad for a while are also guilty of this, most of them hide under that fact that they have stayed abroad for some weeks or even a year and as such they have "naturally" picked up the foreign accent. But then i begin to wonder, majority of the foreigners living here in Nigeria still retain their home country's accent even after staying here for years.          

            I have never believed that it is possible for an individual to naturally have two accent, its either one accent is natural to you and the other accent is learned or in other words fake. The use of this fake accent when speaking is what we Nigerians call Phonee (pronounced phone neer). Though today i learnt a new word, it is called "bi-dialected" and apparently is means it is possible for a single individual to have two different accent naturally. Even though some nigerians would claim to be bi-dialected, i still doubt this fact, because i believe 8 out of 10 times they are faking the accent.                                                                                             Now, why do Nigerians fake their accent or better still why do they form phonee when speaking. For some of them they believe it gives them some of social status (i don't know why some one would think that though), for some they are just following the crowd, while for others they just love the accent. But for whatever reason, it is not cool to speak in a fake accent. What i really find funny is when Nigerians who fake their accents start using mixed accent. For example, since you claim the reason you suddenly speak in only british accent is because you stayed in picadilly or manchester, then why am i hearing a bit of american accent in your tone. If you are going to fake an accent do it with dexterity and high precision. The funniest are those Nigerians studying in neighbouring West African Nations, such as , Ghana and Benin Republic. When these guys come back to Nigeria for the Holiday, some of them start speaking in british accent, and then i say to myself, i never knew ghanians had british accent.      

                                                                                                                       Well, what i would love to pass across is that you don't have to speak phonee to make people like you, or to make people feel you are smart, speaking in a foreign accent doesn't give you any special privilege. It is okay and cool to speak in our own normal accent. let us learn to love ourselves and our accent. And if your are truly truly truly bi-dialected then it is still okay and cool. P.S the Nigerian accent is voted one of the most sexiest in the world.


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