You know that annoying or should I say weird moment when things don't go as planned. Well today I'm going to be talking about life in colleg/university and what you should expect. This post is basically for the freshmen just joining the system. Before I got admission into school, I could still remember the late night reading, tutorials and all those extra work I had to do just to get admitted ( and believe me it was tiresome).
When I finally got admitted I was ecstatic, and I thought that now my flexing begins. This was actually due to a misconception I had about college/university, I thought it was going to be filled with fun, partying, and .....(You know what I mean) Well I blame this misconception to the numerous series films which I watched such as GREEK, which portrayed college as fun filled and interesting, the thrill of joining a fraternity/sorority (I'm not saying school is totally boring though), but what I saw and still seeing. (as I'm still a student) is far from fun and interesting. One thing for sure is that the fraternities and sororities here are ILLEGAL, because they are dangerous, as in life threating dangerous ( you don't wanna get messed up with those dudes). From the very first day of school (or should I say jungle), it was filled with stress. You had to wake up as early as 4am(others 5am) to rush to the auditorium so as to get registered /cleared(it was hectic). It took me 2weeks to get cleared, after that I thought the stress was over (or part of it atleast), but to my dismay ir was only just beginning. The Truth is that college/university is hectic, I had to wake up by 5am(6:30 am on bad days), struggle for water(as water is a rare commodity in my dorm), be in class before 8am for some really boring lecture, sometimes I just want to shoot myself when I see how daft the lecturer is, most of them just read the textbooks back to you(like reading is my problem), then go for some practicals where you learn nothing, the trick about practicals is just copy and paste, but try changing the tense(cause the marker isn't that dumb), after all this I go back to my hostel all tired and famished , that is around 4pm, then prepare for night class(where you do the actual learning by yourself).            

At the end of the day I end up sleeping by 1am or 2am, then wake up and continue the same old routine again the following day. Right now when I watch series films,portraying college as fun all I say to my self is a big NA LIE, or maybe it happens only in nigeria universities(who knows).Though not to sound onesided some cool activities do happen sometimes.


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