You just opened that email and got your first regret mail for a position you thought you were 99.9% sure to get, or maybe it's your tenth regret mail. Either way you feel like a loser, down, dejected and sad. Worst case scenario you feel like a fraud especially if you are a high achiever, the impostor syndrome starts to kick in and you start to doubt your own abilities. Failure is never really a good thing. Nobody wants to fail, nobody likes failing, that's why some people would prefer to not try at all, than to try and fail. Though not trying at all could prevent you from achieving your fullest potential. One bad thing about failure is that you start to envy your colleagues who "seem" to be doing better. You don't necessarily hate them, you hate yourself. But you shouldn't. It's okay to hate the situation, but don't hate yourself and never doubt your abilities. Work harder to be better, persevere and the breakthrough will eventually come. T...