In the society we live in today, people hardly believe an African American man can be racist, let alone an African man. But i beg to disagree, in Africa alone we practice a form of racism that is quite unique. This form of unique racism goes by many names from tribalism to xenophobia. Tribalism/Racism/Xenophobia are all close brothers and sisters, infact sometimes i see no difference between them, no matter how we tend to define and differentiate them. Tribalism and Racism all have one underlying trait and that is hatred, hatred for your fellow humans, especially here in Nigeria . Sociologists might say a good number of Nigerians are tribalistic but not racist, but i see no real difference. Some people are so hypocritical that in public they would outrightly denounce tribalism and everything it stands for, but this same people in the absence of the public eye, would swear that their child/children would never marry anybody from a particular tribe . ...